
by Michael Hacker

Kotegaeshi = wrist break

Shiho nage = your mother throw

Ikkyo/oshitaoshi = elbow break

Nikyo/kote mawashi = indian rug burn

Sankyo = wrist twist thingy that makes opponent stand on toes

Yonkyo/tekubi osae = OUCH! QUIT IT!

Gokyo = same damn thing as ikkyo, but different

Rokkyo = irrelevant, technique does not exist

Kubishime = choke the bastard

Irimi nage = clothesline throw

Tekubi dori/katate dori/morote dori = "grab my wrist"

Shomen uchi = Judo Chop

Yokomen uchi = haymaker

Tsuki = punch (a novel idea)

Maegeri = irrelevant, no kicks in Aikido

Mae geri = nut kick

Mawashi geri = spinning diarrhea

Munadori = titty twister

Kokyu nage = bad breath

Shomen ate = bitch slap

Musubi = stuck like pig snot to a fence post

Ken = weed whacker

Jo = switch

Hara = gut

Jodan = up there

Chudan = yea high

Gedan = down there

Kaeshi waza = woops, that din' work

Jiyu waza = yeah, I meant to do that

Ki = B.O. [see misogi]

Kiai = holler

Kuzushi = cow tippin'

Misogi = saturday bath

Mokuso = sit down and shut up

Mushin = cousin Bubba Joe-Bob

Sutemi = gettin' rid o' the evidence

Nage = bully

Uke = chump